
30 families of patent applications have been additionally licensed-in from Kyoto University


We licensed-in additional 30 families of patent applications from Kyoto University.
24 out of the 30 families were already published.

Category of new licensed-in patet families.jpg

1. Differentiation

AJ169 Method for inducing cerebral cortex neurons
AJ171 Method for deriving upper motor neuron
AJ174 Method for inducing differentiation of pluripotent stem cells into germ cells
AJ179 Method for selectively inducing endodermal cells from pluripotent stem cells
AJ180 Method for stepwise induction from hepatoblasts into biliary epithelial progenitor cells
AJ181 Method for producing cells positive for PTF1A
AJ182 Method for producing steroidogenic cells
AJ183 Method for producing neural crest cells and sympathetic neurons
AJ184 Method for producing helper T cells from pluripotent stem cells
AJ188 Method for inducing differentiation of pluripotent stem cells into germline stem cell-like cells

2. Drug Discovery (Screening)

AJ168 Preventive and therapeutic drug for cartilaginous hyperplasia and method of screening for the same
AJ170 Preventatives/remedies for ectopic ossification and method of screening same
AJ173 Method for screening for cancer therapeutic agent
AJ186 Method for screening drugs for treatment of X-linked sideroblastic anemia

2. Drug Discovery (Prevention/Remedy)

AJ175 Prophylactic or therapeutic agent for FGFR3 disease
AJ187 Composition for prevention or treatment of spinocerebellar ataxia type 36
AJ189 Agent for preventing and/or treating Alzheimer's disease
AJ190 Prophylactic and/or therapeutic agent for neurodegenerative disease

3. Isolation/Purification

AJ177 Method for screening neural progenitor cells

4. Others (Experimental/Analysis Methods)

AJ167 RNA micro-array for detecting interaction between protein and conformation-containing RNA
AJ172 Nucleic acid sequence amplification method
AJ176 Sample preparation method for DNA methylation analysis
AJ178 Method for genome editing
AJ185 Gene mutation introduction method