Patent Portfolio

Method for inducing differentiation of intermediate mesodermal cell to renal progenitor cell, and method for inducing differentiation of pluripotent stem cell to renal progenitor cell

Ref. No. AJ162
Appl. No.
(filing date)
Pub. No.
(Pub. date)
Priority claim No.
(Priority date)

JP2017-104021 (2017/5/25)

Patent No.


Inventor SUETA Shinichi, etc.
Assignee Kyoto University
Title of Invention Method for inducing differentiation of intermediate mesodermal cell to renal progenitor cell, and method for inducing differentiation of pluripotent stem cell to renal progenitor cell

Provided is a method for producing nephron progenitor cells from pluripotent stem cells efficiently. This invention is characterized by its stepwise differentiation method that replicates biological development of kidneys. For this feature, this invention may be useful for the cell analysis of each renal development stage and the creation of renal disease models.



Updated date 2018/12/18
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